Thursday, October 23, 2008

Girl "Gregg Gillis" Talk

Far and away, Girl Talk's Feed the Animals is my favorite album this year. Good lord, he might be the coolest gentleman on the planet. Sure, he is a biochemist who used to leave on the weekend to DJ in Europe. He layers popular songs on top of each other and mixes and matches them to make cooler songs. Its like he is unravelling a knot of popular music and unleashing something better and more complicated. His list of samples is fabulous, everything from Tom Petty to Jay Z to Temple of the Dog. Great stuff, well done and high energy. Couldn't ask for anything more perfect in this era of music. Its a fuck you to the music industry.

Guillermo Del Toro is an Awesome Maniac

Guillermo Del Toro's movies remind me of the worst parts of childhood. Still, his movies are beautiful. The make up and the sense of wonder are top notch. "Devil's Backbone" is no exception. Set during the Spanish Civil War it tells the story of a haunted orphanage. Spanish directors unpack stories better than any other country. This is the best non Japanese foreign thriller I've ever seen.

Weird Band, Animal Collective's Album Artwork

Good lord, these guys are bizarre. I'm not going to lie I think this cover is pretty cool. I hope their album is as experimental as the last couple. The sounds that Panda Bear comes up with make me want to pee my pants.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Signal: Not Sure I Have the Crazy

Clearly, this movie is about the effects television have on human beings. The point its making is so over the top it makes my head hurt. The weirdness of this movie was pretty fun, though. Still, the ending was nonsense.

Dan Kennedy's "Rock On' Rox

Dan Kennedy's "Rock On" comes highly recommended. This book was a lot of and cleared up some terrible things about the music business. I first heard about this book on the Sound of Young America. Dan sounded like a really cool guy. He is funny and seems really sincere. Sometimes he takes jokes a little far and you lose interest. but mostly he is right on the money with timing. I can't wait to read his other books.

Keep Going, "Jordan Jesse Go!"

Far and away my favorite pod cast is Jordan Jesse Go!. Its a fun show with Jesse, who is the host and bad guy and Jordan the funny guy. I'm not sure Jesse knows he is the bad guy. They have great guests, like John Hodgeman and Jimmy Pardo. The duo are well schooled in improv. Their comedic chemistry is fabulous and their guests jump in with no problems. If you get a chance check out Jordan Jesse Go! You won't regret. I strongly recommend any episode with Ashkon.